Shalya Tantra Department
Surgical practices were at their Steepest advances during 600 BC where the first Surgeon of the World pioneered in the field of
Surgery : Sushrutha.
The Department of Shalya tantra aim at delivering the knowledge
through the team of excellent faculty trained both in theoretical cognition as
well as practical skills and advances in the field of Surgery.
strive to exploit every opportunity to make the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students as Vibrant and Successful practitioners and faculty in future. The
Students are guided with absolute contention in an unbiased way to make Masterly
Research Work in the field of Surgery.
The Department as a whole has a well equipped OPD in Dhanvantari hospital attached
to the Institute; A well equipped minor and major Operation Theatre; Male and
Female Surgical Wards to accommodate Male and Female patients separately.
from this there is a Departmental Section for Faculty with Separate console for
Lecturer, Reader, Assistant Professor and HOD. The Department has
Departmental Library and tutorial Room.