Swasthavritta Department
“Swasthasya swasthyarakshanam Aturasya vikarprashamanam”
To maintain health of healthy person and to cure the disease of a diseased person is the aim of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda not only cures the diseases by medicine but also a way of life which describes diet, rules of daily regimens and behavior that are beneficial for healthy life.
Swasthavritta department deals with the total health and harmony at each level i.e. physical, mental, social and Spiritual of human being. It gives a framework of an ideal lifestyle.
Yoga is another and basic concept of health explained in Vedic literatures. It mainly aims at having balanced physical and mental activities.
Naturopathy is a branch of science to maintain health of healthy persons.
Along with Yoga and Naturopathy, Swasthavritta teaches the art of living.