11-Dec-2014 was the day when NATIONAL SEMINAR ON VANDHYATVA (INFERTILITY)conducted on behalf of Hon.Shri Annsaheb Dange Ayurved Medical college,Ashta. Where Micro views are well discussed by the Speaker Dr.Mohan Joshi -Basic Concept of Vandhyatva, dr.S.Gopakumar-Vadhytva And its Ayurvedic Treatment, Dr.G.Mandrupkar-modern Insight in Management of the infertility,Dr.Ramdas Avhad-Stri And Purusha Vandhytva and Dr. Prasad Pandakar. This Seminar provided proper platform for this issue of infertility.By Attending this seminar(750-Participant) many Doctors,P.G. Scholars got enlightened towards the topic of infertility.Hon.Director,Principal,Administrative Officer &All teaching and Non Teaching Staff of our college of our college made Complementary Effort to make this grand Seminar to exist.